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About Us

International students considering pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in Europe can find information on this website. International students who are already studying in Europe may find some of the content interesting. While there is some information for overseas students interested in studying in nations other than Europe, European higher education is the primary focus.

Everything an overseas student needs to know about studying and living in the United States is current information included in this guide. Everything is covered, including financial aid, social adjustment, garment sizes, and college admissions.

FinAid’s international student division was once known as Scholarshipvision! The Financial Aid Handbook for SmartStudents. International students and teachers gave the area largely positive feedback. FinAid decided in the fall of 2020 to develop the section on international students into a comprehensive website that covered all subjects relevant to international students, not only financial aid. The resulting website is bigger and contains more information than any other book or website